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Effectiveness of clove leave extract in preventing pregnancy-induced gingival swelling

. Muhammad Zohaib Younus, Hijab Fatemah, Shaima Sultana Memon, Aliya Islam, Muneeza Lodhi and Ambreen Rehman


Background: During pregnancy, high hormonal levels and improper oral hygiene can help in the deterioration of periodontal tissues that might lead to the production of various infectious microbes and inflammatory mediators. In this regard Clove extract has also been reported for having an effective antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens like S. mutans. Thus, the rationale of our study is to assess the efficacy of clove extract, in comparison to chlorhexidine, against pregnancy-induced gingival hyperplasia.

Methodology: It was an experimental study conducted at the tertiary care hospital of Karachi from June 2021 to May 2022. The total calculated sample size was 30 and the inclusion criteria were pregnant females reporting to dental OPD for seeking treatment in 1st trimester and were ready to give consent. The exclusion criteria were pregnant females reporting OPD after 1st trimester and those who refused to become participants of the study. The pregnant females were divided into two groups such as group 1 was given chlorhexidine mouth rinse in an unlabeled covered bottle and the same procedure was used for participants of group 2 who were given diluted clove leave extract. The gingival pocket depth from the labial and lingual side was recorded pre and post experimentally from mesial, central, and distal sites by a periodontal probe. The data was divided into upper and lower anterior (canine to canine) teeth and upper and lower posterior teeth (1st premolar to 3rd molar or the last present tooth in the jaw).

Results: There was no significant difference in the pocket depth of both the groups which highlighted the equal effectiveness of both the experimental liquids (table 2). The paired t-test analysis showed that during treatment there was an increase in gingival pocket depth

Conclusion: There was an increase in pocket depth during the study however, both the experimental liquids (chlorhexidine and clove leave extract) seemed to be equally effective. The frequency of pain, bleeding and bad breath was the same in both groups.

Keywords: Clove leave extract, prevention, pregnancy, gingival swelling

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