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Taxonomic study of Family Papilionaceae from ShishiKoh Valley, District Chitral, Pakistan

. KifayatUllah, Ghulam Mujtaba Shah, Jan Alam, Manzoor Hussain, Alia Gul, Fazal Hadi, Shamila Firdous, Abdul Basit, Ghulam Qadir and Hazrath Ali


A total of 31 species belonging to 17 genera of family Papilionaceae were collected and identified from the research area. Astragalus was the dominant genus with 11 (35.48%) species followed by Oxytropis, with 3 species (9.67%), Medicago, Trifolium and Vicia with 2 (6.45%) species each. The rest of genera i.e Cicer, Colutea, Galega, Glycyrrhiza, Hedysarum, Lathyrus, Melilotus, Pisum, Robinia, Trigonella and Westeria were represented by single (3.22%) species each. The family was dominated by wild 26 (83.87%) species followed by cultivated 5 (16.12%) species. Habit-wise the reported species were classified into Annual herb 16 (51.61%), Perennial herb 12 (38.7%), Biennial herb 1 (3.22%), shrubs 1 (3.22%) species and trees with 1 species (3.22%) respectively. Hemicryptophytes was represented by dominant life-form with 21 (67.77%) species, Chaemophyte 6 (19.35%), Phanerophyte 3 (9.67%) and Therophytes with 3 (9.67%) species respectively. On the basis of Zonation the Dry stream zone showed maximum number of species with 8 (25.8%) followed by Residential Zone 7 (22.58%) species, Mix Vegetation Zone 6 (19.35%) species, Sub Alpine Zone 5 (16.12%) species, Alpine Zone 3 (9.67%) species, Stony Slope Zone with 2 (6.45%) species respectively. The species of said family were represented in maximum number that is why the research work was initiated. The anthropogenic activities of the study area show the main threats to the plant. Conservation study of Shishikoh valley should be implementing to protect the plant resources.


Index Terms: Papilionaceae, Taxonomic studies, Astragalus, Shishikoh,, District Chitral Pakistan.

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