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Prevalence and Impact of Anthrax on Cattle Production in the Municipality of Boukoumbé in Northern Benin.

. KINKPE Lionel, AWAIS Saeed, Solevo Martin, AKPO Yao, Faiz Ur Rehman, ATTAKPA Eloi, Haidar Ali, GBONGBON Clement, and DJEGUI Fidelia.


Anthrax-causing Bacillus anthracis comes from the Greek word for coal because it generates black, coal-like eschars. It is a 1–1.5' 3–10 mm Gram-positive, aerobic, spore-bearing bacillus and the sole obligate pathogen in the genus Bacillus. The aimed of this study is to highlight the impact of the prevalence of anthrax on bovine production in the administration unit (municipality) of Boukoumbé in northern Benin and determine the exact reason for the persistence of this disease in this community despite the several actions taken by the Anthrax Control Project (PLCB). The current study was conducted in Boukombé, Atacora, and North-West Benin. Tanguiéta, Cobly, Natitingou, Toucountouna, and Togo border it from the north to the west. The longitudinal and retrospective surveys were the two types of survey data used in this study. Prevalence and the incidence of the diseases was calculated and then, this rate was compared using a curve showing how it changed over time. The Number of dead animals (ANIMOR) on farms is the phenomenon to be modeled. To achieve this, a linear regression was performed by including certain characteristics specific to each farm.  Obtained data were subjected to linear regression using R software (version 3.6.3) to show the relationship between the risk factors associated with anthrax, the number of animals infected, and the bovine mortality rate. The results showed that the evolution of anthrax occurred in three phases from 2004 to 2016: a significant phase of expansion or growth (2004-2012), a phase of regression or decline (2012-2014) then a tiny phase of growth (2014-2016). Moreover, the maximum number of anthrax outbreaks was recorded in 2015. The livestock owner (breeders) training, knowledge of the mechanism of contamination, residence in the district of "Manta," and vaccination of animals are the significant factors responsible for the dissemination of disease and death of animals within farms.

Index Terms- Anthrax, prevalence, bovine, factors, Municipality, Boukoumbé.

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