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Multimorbidity and Health Seeking Behavior among Geriatric population of Karachi Pakistan

. Syed Tariq Ali Adnan, Farah Ahmad and Naveen Shaikh.


OBJECTIVE: To determine Multimorbidity and health seeking behavior among geriatric population of Karachi Pakistan.

METHODS:  A cross sectional study was carried out in Karachi with participants having age more than 60 years being part of the study. Data was collected for 6 months using WOHQOL-BREF with four domains, Social domain, psychological domain, physical domain and environment domain by cluster sampling technique. Health seeking behavior was assessed using questionnaire. Sample size was kept at n=362. Face to face interviews were conducted while assuring participants that information will be kept confidential and receiving informed consent. Chi square was used for categorical data and descriptive analysis was done for numerical data. P value less than 0.05 was taken as significant. SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis.

RESULTS: Of total n=133(38%) had bones and joint disease, n=165(46%) had hypertension, n=80(22%) had obesity with n=56(16%) having diabetes. In our sample n=272(75%) had Multimorbidity. Most participants n=212 (58.6%) stated they visit doctor only when needed, n=64 (17.7%) narrated they visited 2-3 times per year and n=57(15.7%) said they visited more often. Compliance to doctor’s prescription showed that most participants n=225 (62.2%) always do it, n= 19 (5.2%) said they never complete it and n=118 (32.6%) stated sometimes. Within WHO quality of life domains Environment domain had maximum score, then physical domain, psychological domain and least was among social domain. Approximately 50% rated their life quality as good/very good with only 15.5% rating it as poor with remaining in between.

CONCLUSION: Most participants were suffering from multimorbidty. Health seeking behavior was good in participants as majority showed compliance to medicines and visited doctors.

Keywords: Geriatric population, Quality of life, Health Seeking behavior, Compliance to medicines, Visits to doctor.

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