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. Shanmuga Priya.R.S 1 , Ashoka Priyadarshini.P 2, Jeya Suriya.P.R 3


A great problem in countries is to get clean water at low prices. This can be normally solved by adding chemical coagulants such as alum which is generally at a High cost. The application of a coagulation/flocculation process is applied in water, waste water treatment to remove turbidity, colour and organic matter. Inorganic Coagulants such as aluminium sulphate, ferric chloride and calcium carbonate are Common coagulants used in this treatment. However the sludge obtained from Treatments using aluminium salts lead to disposal problems such as aluminium Accumulation in the environment. Moreover, some studies have reported that residual aluminium sulphate may induce Alzheimer’s diseases whereas synthetic organic polymers such as acrylamide, have neuro toxic and carcinogenic effects. One possible solution to these problems may be natural coagulants which are preferably alternative excellent method for removal of turbidity. The coagulants used Are vicia– faba(largebean), trigonellafoenum (fenugreek). These seeds contain Soluble cationic and anionic polyelectrolyte which shows greater ability to act as a coagulant. The advantage of selectivity of natural coagulant used is having antimicrobial property, nontoxic and low cost method for removal turbidity. And our aim is to compare the action the above coagulants and the effectiveness of alum to remove turbidity from waste as well as surface water. 
Keywords: Coagulants, Vicia–Faba, Trigonella Foenum, Alum, Turbidity 

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