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Traditional knowledge of Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants used by Livestock owners for Livelihood Security of Swat Kohistan Valley, Hindu Kush Range, Swat Pakistan
A detailed investigation was carried out during 2023-2024 to document information on ethno veterinary plant used by the local community of Swat Kohistan Valley for the treatment of various livestock ailments. A total of 14 plant taxa were recorded during the present study to treat various livestock ailments. These species were classified among 14 genera and 13 families. Polygonaceae was the dominant family which contributed 2 species while rest of families namely Hippocastinaceae, Asparagaceae, Berberidaceae, Saxifragaceae, Geraniaceae, Araliaceae, Fabaceae, Oleaceae, Paeoniaceae, Urticaceae, Valerianaceae and Fagaceae are represented by a single species each. The most common ethnoveterinary diseases viz., abdominal pain, antiworm, anthelmintic, cough, fever & chest infections, wounds healing, digestion, diarrhea, discharge of pus, lactation in cattle, paralysis, constipation, appetizer, colic, tonic and urinary tract infections were documented for the treatment of animal health care. Herbaceous flora was dominant with 8 species followed by shrubs 3 species, trees 2 species and climber with 01 species in descending order. The study also indicated 07 plant species are also used in enhancing milk production. Leaf was widely used part 6, followed by roots 4, fruits 3, shoots and rhizome 2 species each, bark and seed with 1 species each. IUCN Red List Criteria, 2001, version 3.1, and 2003 Version 3.0 were used to establish conservation status of ethnoveterinary plants. It was concluded that that valley is hot centre of medicinal plant biodiversity and local community utilized these plant sources for livelihood security of the area but some globally important and rare medicinal plant are severely threated due to habitat degradation, unsustainable utilization and overexploitation.
Key words: Ethno-veterinary Plants, Medicinal uses, Conservation Status, Swat Kohistan Valley, Hindu Kush Range, Northern Pakistan