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Mediating Role of Gaslight between Emotions and Dark Personality
The research paper examines the intricate relation between gas lighting, emotion and dark personalities, where gas lighting plays mediating role between emotions and dark personality. Gas lighting under dark psychology, is a form of psychological manipulation or emotional abuse where a gas lighter plays on victim emotion, sense of reality, judgment, memory and experiences. People with dark personalities use gas lighting tactics in order to gain power and dominance, on the other hand highly sensitive people are more prone to being a victim of gas lighting as compared to people who are not highly sensitive. The research also explores either male is more prone towards gas lighting or female. It is the Quantitative and cross-sectional research. Sample for research was collected from universities of Baluchistan and sample was university students. N=250 participants were voluntarily participated in the research, among 250 (115 were males and 135 were females). Finding proves that male use more gas lighting techniques as compare to female. Correlational and Regression analysis is used in the research. Finding proves that there is a positive correlation between gas lighting, highly sensitive person and dark personalities.
Key Words: Gaslight, Emotions, Dark Personality, Psychological Manipulation, Emotional Abuse