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Questioning the Gender of Nature: Analyzing the Pervading Sexism in Concepts Related to Nature

. Arsha Subbi & Dr.K.Balakrishnan


The conflated feminine identity of Mother Nature exposes the play of these hegemonic enterprises that concurrently tyrannizes nature and woman. They are expected to be always available to men and quench their desires. These kinds of rhetoric naively create an imbalanced gender identity, where woman eternally holds the position of the subjugated ‘other’. The glorification of the reproductive worth of woman and nature leads to the demonization of female identity as well. The terminologies rendered to nature are often suggestive of the qualities expected of women from patriarchal structures. The reification of the feminine in nature leads to the creation of terms like “barren soil”, “mother earth” and “fertile land”. Instead of simply breaking the allied ties of women and nature, there is a need to identify the struggles of both the structures separately. Therefore there is a need to deconstruct the gendered conceptions of earth.

Keywords: Ecology, Femininity, Hegemony, Ecofeminism, Feminism

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