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Market Sensing and Product Innovation Capabilities: Enhancing Marketing Performance

. Sudarwati*#1, W. Untoro#2, A. I. Setiawan#3, I. N. Q. Aini#4


This study aims to determine the role of market sensing and the ability of product innovation in an effort to improve marketing performance. This research involves several variables, namely market sensing variables, competitor intelligence, technological accessibility, product innovation capabilities and marketing performance. The sample used was 458 IKM Batik in Central Java. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Testing data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square) with WarpPLS 5.0 software. The findings in this study are that market sensing has a positive and significant effect on competitor intelligence, market sensing has a positive and significant effect on technological acceptability, competitor intelligence has a positive and significant effect on product innovation capabilities, technological accessibility has a positive and significant effect on product innovation capabilities, and innovation capabilities the product has a positive and significant effect on marketing performance. 
Keywords— Market Sensing, Competitor Intelligence, Product Innovation Capability, Technology Accessibility, Marketing Performance. 

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