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Development Prospect of Pinogu Coffeein Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia

. Basir Noho, Soemarno, Mangku Purnomo, Abdul Wahib Muhaimin


Pinogu coffee isuses the nameof PinoguDistrict in Bone BolangoRegency, Gorontalo Province whichhasinterestingin naturalconditions. Itisinterestingbecauseitbelongs to the eastern part of Indonesia, where two tectonicplates collide between the EurasianPlate and the Pacific Ocean Plate from the east. Thisresearchwasconducted on. Analyzing the role of localgovernments in the sustainabledevelopment of Pinogucoffee.Thisstudyuses a technical and social aspectapproachusing the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method. The availability of Pinogu coffee islimited and difficult to find. Locallyithasnotmet market demand so that the role of localgovernmentsisneeded in the development of Pinogu Coffee. Thereis no concept/design of quality promotion of Pinogu coffee (design, existingconcept) so that the role and strategy of the government in the governance of pre-and post-harvestPinogu Coffee farminghas a big influence on itsdevelopment.

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