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Digitization of Education: Creating Global Citizens Through Technology-Based Education

. Saish S. Nayak Dalal Second Year M.Ed. Programme, Dr. Dada Vaidya College of Education, Ponda Goa Affiliated to Goa University


Abstract: -  

“वसुधैव कुटुंबकं” an idea that the entire world is my family existed in India since the Vedic times. This ideology was lost somewhere over the period of time. “We are more divided than we are united”. The world as we know, has been divided by various factors and one can find a thousand reasons to keep it divided but, only one thing that has brought humanity closer today is the technology or social media. Since the growth of internet, information is available from around the world within seconds. This information pool is a double-edged sword. A platform to

connect all has now become a new form of addiction. This addiction needs to be channelized effectively to make the students productive rather than addictive. This paper deals with various aspects of technology-based education, aiming to provide solutions for effective use of technology in classroom to create responsible citizens of the globe. The term netizen is a portmanteau of the words Internet and cityzen, as in a "citizen of the net" or "net citizen." It describes a person actively involved in online communities or the Internet in general. The term was coined by Michael and Ronda Hauben.  Influencing and building the values, ethics and virtues of the students at a tender age will allow them to fulfill the task and take over the responsibilities of a global citizen.


Keywords: - Netizens, Global Citizens,  Cultural Tolerance

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