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Doctrines of Samanya- Vishesh Siddhant in Relation to Management of Diseases

. Dr.Ramteerth Sharma, Dr. Sunil K Sharma, Dr.Mamta Tiwari & Dr.Anurag Pandey


The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda is based on time-tested theories proven by observation, trial and experimentation which related to both present life and after the life. The main motive of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy person and treat the diseased one. As per Ayurvedic ideologies any disturbance at the level of dosha, dhatus and malas leads to disease origin and their equilibrium state is known as proper health. The unbalanced state of dhatus is treated by Samanya-Vishesha siddhant by using dravyas having similar and dissimilar attributes respectively. The Padarthas which causes growth or increases of bhav-padarthas such as dravyas (substance), gunas (attributes) and karmas (actions) of everything at all times is called as Samanya and Vishesha. The present work focuses on detail description of Samanya and Vishesha, their active and collaborative principle, applied aspect in Ayurveda and use in management of diseases will be discussed.
Keywords:- Dosha, Dhatu, Vriddha, kshaya, Ayurveda etc.
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